Personal Projects and Mucking Around
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© Luke Wallin 2005-2017 |
Model Roller Coaster (2006)The Working Prototype
The prototype roller coaster is built entirely of lolly sticks because they were the cheapest wood I could find. The intention was to design and make a much large more complex roller coaster some time in the future, using what I've learnt from building the prototype to develop a good design and construction technique. I've used several different designs of track and most of them are present on this prototype in one place or another, albeit a small section which I didn't get around to replacing. In order for the truck to make it all the way around the circuit, I have had to weight it down with blu-tack and coins. This has resulted in a non-functioning lift mechanism, which will need to be fixed before I can really call this coaster a success. ![]() The Failed PrototypeThe idea was to make a framework using lolly sticks and somehow fix model railway 'flexitrack' to the frame. I was using OO/HO gauge flexitrack which, although fantastic for bending into complex corners and bends for home made railways, wasn't design to bend up and down and it completely warped the lolly stick frame out of shape. Also, the amount of glue needed to hold it in place completely clogged up the rails.The Future Coasterworks but it results in a weak and flexible frame, making it easy to break and hard to be accurate. My current idea is to use strips of thin plywood to replace the framework, but possibly keep lolly sticks for the track. We shall see. Hopefully I'll have some time free sometime to knock up a few plans, and if I ever do get around to building this 'proper' coaster I might even write up a proper page to go with it. |